Bijesh Jayarajan

Narratives, Conceits & Imagery

Professional Screenwriter, Photographer and Closet Poet. Most days I delve in the collective insanity called Movie Making. On good days, I just hear voices, see and grieve a few deaths, spew venom, revel in pain, smear myself with the acrid smell of decay and vomit love and desire. On bad days, many me's kill each other off in a brutal bloodbath. This site is my doppelgänger, my sane side. 

Stories by Rabindranath Tagore (2015) on IMDb
Adaptation of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore's stories by acclaimed Indian director Anurag Basu.

Adaptation of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore's stories by acclaimed Indian director Anurag Basu.