
Bijesh Jayarajan

Narratives, Conceits & Imagery

Professional Screenwriter, Photographer and Closet Poet. Most days I delve in the collective insanity called Movie Making. On good days, I just hear voices, see and grieve a few deaths, spew venom, revel in pain, smear myself with the acrid smell of decay and vomit love and desire. On bad days, many me's kill each other off in a brutal bloodbath. This site is my doppelgänger, my sane side. 

An Actor Prepares

Actors are beautiful beings. They inhabit the vapour as they submit themselves to the flames of someone else's ideas, words and pain. Hammered on the anvil, into shapes unknown, they emerge from the fires resplendent like steel and transparent as ice. The steel cuts through to the depths of our consciousness and the ice melts away deep inside us reminding us of that one familiar touch, that one fleeting moment which glued itself to some mirror somewhere in our memory.