Bijesh Jayarajan

Narratives, Conceits & Imagery

Professional Screenwriter, Photographer and Closet Poet. Most days I delve in the collective insanity called Movie Making. On good days, I just hear voices, see and grieve a few deaths, spew venom, revel in pain, smear myself with the acrid smell of decay and vomit love and desire. On bad days, many me's kill each other off in a brutal bloodbath. This site is my doppelgänger, my sane side. 

First real shoot with Wista 45 Sp

These are some of my first shots with the Wista 45 SP with Fuji 150f5.6 lens. The only lens I own in this category. Shot some Delta 100 and HP5. Funnily the films had been loaded in December. So shooting within 2 months of loading..not bad. I'm catching up I guess.

My wife posing for me. Delta 100 developed in Perceptol Developer.

My wife posing for me. Delta 100 developed in Perceptol Developer.

This one's on HP5 developed in Ilfotec DDX.

This one's on HP5 developed in Ilfotec DDX.

Location is Il Palazzo Hotel, Panchgani, 5 hrs from Mumbai. A quaint heritage hotel that serves the most awesome food. Especially their non vegetarian fare is to die for. 

Location is Il Palazzo Hotel, Panchgani, 5 hrs from Mumbai. A quaint heritage hotel that serves the most awesome food. Especially their non vegetarian fare is to die for.